Black 28-415 PP Smooth Skirt Screw Cap
Our Black 28-415 PP Smooth Skirt Screw Cap is meant to fit any of our 30 ml Roll-On Glass Bottles. In addition, This closure features a black pp smooth skirt screw cap with a 28-415 neck size. Above all, PP (Polypropylene) is a type of plastic that has a high heat tolerance level and is an excellent resistance against fatigue. It works great for sealing in scents of aromatherapy and essential oils when places correctly on the container.
Above all, you can pair this Black Screw Cap with our 30 ml Roll-On bottles that match a 28-415 neck finish. For instance, the first number represents the diameter of the containers opening and in (mm). The second number represents the thread-depth of the closure’s skirt.
In conclusion, this cap works great when matched with our rollerball and Roll-On Glass bottle. To help you with your product search, Pair this Screw Cap with one of our great “Matching Products” below.
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Weight | 0.02375 lbs |
Dimensions | 1.187402 × 1.187402 × 1.444882 in |
Color | Black |
Size/Capacity (mL) | 30 – 59 mL |
Industries | Cosmetics, Essential Oils, Personal Care |
Material | Plastic |
Neck Finish | 28-415 |
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